
Rotary Peace Forum Richmond

Hot on the heels of the Rotary Peace Forum Honolulu was the Rotary Peace Forum Richmond, a joint project between Rotary District 5040 (Vancouver and most of British Columbia) and District 5050.  There were a number of really thoughtful, peace oriented presentations given throughout the day, only one and a half of which were repeats from Hawai’i (which was nice).

Chris Offer and his International Bear
Chris Offer and his International Bear
RID5040 DG Rebecca and RID5050 DG Sean read opening remarks from RIP Sakuji Tanaka
RID5040 DG Rebecca and RID5050 DG Sean read opening remarks from RIP Sakuji Tanaka
Julian Fantino announces extended Canadian contribution amounts to the March 1st cut-off.
Julian Fantino announces extended Canadian contribution amounts to the March 1st cut-off.
The Government of British Columbia proclaims February 23rd Rotary Day in British Columbia
The Government of British Columbia proclaims February 23rd Rotary Day in British Columbia
A panel discussion on bullying
A panel discussion on bullying
Presentation on Rotary Peace Forum Honolulu
Presentation on Rotary Peace Forum Honolulu
RID Bryn Styles receives a thank you gift from Forum organizers
RID Bryn Styles receives a thank you gift from Forum organizers
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